Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What's it all about?

Priest: All right. Here we go...the short, short version! - Spaceballs

I moved to Los Angeles almost exactly a year ago, to persue the (seemingly) impossible dream of becoming a professional screenwriter. Why would I want to do something as difficult and potentially fruitless as that, you might ask?

Well...frankly...I'm not sure I'm much good at anything else.

So, I came out here, got an apartment in beautiful, expensive, celebrity-studded Studio City with a roommate who was a challenge to live with at the best of times. I got a job that paid the bills, but not much else. I took a great class in marketing my as-yet-unfinished masterpieces. But really...I dicked around for about a year, making a few contacts, attempting to make a few friends, and trying to figure out if I could live here, three thousand miles away from home (Florida).

Well, the first year is up. The roommate, despite having a modicum of success and working on television shows like Family Guy and House, gave up on L.A. and moved back home. I had to move out of beautiful, expensive Studio City and into much-mocked Reseda, a few miles across the Valley.

Basically it's time to buckle down and get serious about writing and trying to wedge my foot into the studio door. So I decided to start this blog to help keep myself in line. I'm not exactly sure how that's going to work just yet, but it's nice to have a place just to get my thoughts out when I need to vent.

That's what it's all about. The short, short version.

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